Group Rides

Group Rides

Join us to ride together and prepare for race day! Each GFNY Florida group ride departs from a Miami – Palm Beach local bike shop partner. Parking is available nearby. You can use the bike shop’s facilities and also purchase any sports nutrition, gear or equipment before or after the group ride. 
The GFNY Florida group rides are led by GFNY Florida ambassadors Vane, Matt, Gabriel and Lina. 
Check out GFNY Florida Facebook page’s Events section for upcoming dates, locations, and more info.

About GR info

The GFNY group rides are free and open to registered participants of GFNY Florida 2021 and GFNY Club members. The GFNY Florida group rides are about the camaraderie and getting fit and ready for raceday together. The group rides are not races; if you want to do speed intervals or test your power, this is not the right group ride for you. 
Please be aware that the group rides are not supported rides. Bring all the food/drink/spare tubes/some cash/credit cards etc. that you may need. 
Wear a helmet, obey all traffic laws and follow the instructions of the ride leaders. Ride single file. YOU ARE RIDING AT YOUR OWN RISK AT ALL TIMES.
Depending on the number of riders and speed, the groups get split into two pace groups:
Group A rides about 17-19 mph on average.Group B rides about 15-17 mph on average.
You can find the dates and locations for scheduled group rides on:
1. Follow GFNY Florida on Facebook page.
2. Subscribe to GFNY Florida email newsletters, we will notify the next Group Ride dates and details in our newsletters.


Each Group Ride event will have the start/finish location and route details included.

Vanessa Ortiz

Entered the world of cycling 4 years ago, started with MTB and then realized 3 years ago that her passion was the road. In 2018, she participated in 2 dualthon, which she came first in her category. Won the 1st female overall at the Gran Fondo Garneu in Miami.
In 2019, she participated in several events outside Florida including GFNY at NY, La ruta Colombia at Medellin and Gran Fondo Sagan at Barranquilla where she came in 3rd place in the last one in her category. Vanessa is a full time rider, she rides 30-80 miles, once a month she tries to do a longer ride 80+ miles to keep herself motivated and to improve her endurance, resistance and experience.

Gabriel Valencia

Gabriel  started his professional cycling  career at Lee’s McRae College in North Carolina where he raced collegiate cycling for 3 years with an honored Scholarship . During this time he traveled all around the states racing and accumulating experience in the cycling world.
Gabriel returned back to Florida and with all the knowledge he had acquired over the last few years started working within the industry.  In 2015 Gabriel opened his retail store called VICLE. Gabriel has been in charge of numerous cycling events in South Florida including Dan Marino Foundation’s Pedal for Autism cycling event,  IronMan 70.3 Miami, Las Olas Triathlon; among others. 

Matthew Valencia

Matthew started his cycling journey at an early age, he has done various cycling modalities BMX, MTB and Road Cycling. Matthew has participated in numerous cycling events finishing top 10 and top 3 in his category. Some of the events include: Coconut Cup, Mack Cycle Duathlon, Miramar Regional Criterium and GFNY FL cycling event, among others. His passion and dedication for cycling have always been his strength and he is ready to join the GFNY team leaders. 

Lina Arango

Lina started cycling 4 years ago and ever since has participated in multiple events both locally and internationally. As well as accomplished 5 triathlons including a  half iron man in the last 3 years. 
Lina is a full time rider during the week interacting with different riding groups and the weekends are for the longer rides 60-80 miles per day. Joined L4C with the purpose of bringing women together in cycling, to motivate and improve together.